What Are The Causes of Patchy Beard (Bald Spot) & How To Fix It
So you motivated to have the beard that is fuller and dense, you already begin to have a noticeable beard, and suddenly you notice your beard isn’t growing the way it should be. You notice some of your beard regions is having a bald spot or fewer hairs that making your beard appear morbid and breakable. In beard language, that bald spot is called “Patchy Beard”.
Many people notice that patchy area soon they get a noticeable hair view on their beard. Many people just skip their research on fixing it and straight away shave their magnificent beard.
Guys, Don’t give up on your patchy beard yet, there are many ways to fix your patchy beard resourcefully and elegantly. Giving up on beard is not a solution, in fact, learn to style it, care it, giving up will not only make you lose your whole beard, but it will make you lose trust on your own beard.
First, ask yourself these questions, why to rid off of patchy beard? Or How can I fix my patchy beard? why it is necessary for me to have a beard in the first place? the reasons are simple yet effective.

- Having a beard is a sign of masculine and mature. people tend to trust you more if you have a hard and rough-looking bearded face.
- Every mature guy desire to have a fully dense and thick beard and why should he expect that? because the beard is a sign of maturity and fertility.
- a recent survey shows bearded men’s are often connected with strong leadership and intelligence.
Why My beard is Patchy?
Before we jump to our discussion on what are the causes of patchy beard, keep one fact in mind, Thicker beard always appeared to be fuller. But, If your beard hairs are lighter, it will appear thinner compared to the person with a dark beard.
Here Are Few Concerned Reasons That Can Cause Patchy Beard.
- Hormonal imbalance– Balanced hormones in the body play a vital role in beard growth. But, considerable cutback of hormones can Impact male attribute which may result in process of a bald patch.
- Dental problems– Ignored dental illnesses can be the cause of development of a patch in the beard.
- Mental changes– Mental Disparity and heavy stress can be the reason for the development of a patch in the beard region.
- Genetic– The patch may be genetics.
- Infection– Usually the fabled cause of patch in the beard is by Fungal contamination.
- Deficiency of Vitamins A and beta A carotene which carries the vital role of growing beard faster.
- Lack of amino Acid: Beard is made of keratin, it is a kind of amino acid. The amino acid can be obtained from other sources like animal and Organisms which are rich in protein Eg: Eggs, soybeans, Edible seaweeds.
How To Grow a Full Beard Without Patches?
By now you might think that is there is a way to achieve fully grown a thick beard and fix the issue of patchy beard? the answer is 50-50% because not necessary that every method we mention here or on any other website can work on you and can fix patchy beard. But, there are certainly few handfuls of methods which DO work on almost all individual with success rate of 70-80%.
List of Few Proven Method To Fix Patchy Beard
Let It Grow
It’s very hard to control the crave to trim your beard when it is in it’s growing stage. But if you are much stubborn to diminish the patches and desired to have a full beard, Let the beard grow at least a month before you hold the razor.
Within 1-2 months, your beard growth will be in notable view. You will able to see the direction of your hair growth of your beard where you can notice the patches. Now trim or shave down the patchy beard on your cheek and nearby jawline after a month in order to keep things tracked.
If you are pondering the issue of how to make the growth of the beard faster than I will advise you to use quality and best natural oil for beard growth Eg: Jojoba and Argan oil, Castor oil for beard growth. The less breakage of the beard hair the denser your beard looks.
Beard oil work as a dual agent. It helps in keeping the beard hair and skin beneath that hydrated and soften the beard hair. Check here the dosage of beard oil according to the month of beard growth.
Another method for those men who can’t grow beards, use Minoxidil to promote facial hair growth. Minoxidil is medicine for growing beard faster which accelerates the beard growth. To know more about Minoxidil click here. Rome wasn’t built overnight so Just don’t expect the result overnight after using minoxidil. Use minoxidil at least for 6-9 months to see its effective result.
Brush Your Whisker

When you notice you have enough beard to comb up, start brushing your whisker, Brushing beard lift up the hairs and make look your beard fuller which helps in covering bald spot in your beard. Beard brushing removes dirt and grime that stuck in your beard which results in making your beard hairs dry and dirty. Brushing also helps in increasing blood flow beneath your skin to increase the beard growth process faster.
Apply Beard Oil
Beard oil should be part of your beard care routine if you are committed to your beard. Without applying beard oil you taking away your beard’s breath. Stacked with all the essential oil, beard oil enhance the hair growth by supplying sebum oil to each hair and helps in eliminating the dead cell which not only develops itching but also impedes your beard hairs growth. Brush your beard after Derma Roller to distribute equally to hair follicles.
Beard Balm
Derma Roller does not boost your hair growth, but it is smart enough to make your patchy beard look more dense with its styling agent.
Intake of Fatty Acid Omega-3
Omega fatty acid – 3 is responsible for making your hair smooth and shiny and refraining them from getting dry and fragile. Also, Additional vitamins like A, B, C, D, and beta A carotene are essential for facial hair growth too.
A lot Of Protein
The protein consists of keratin, it a kind of protein that made up of amino acid. Amino acid helps in maintaining your beard healthy, for that you have to intake those proteins like fish, egg, and meat etc.
Vitamin C and E
Production of sebum oil beneath your facial skin is essential, this job is done perfectly by vitamins C and E. It moisturize your beard skin to keep your beard shiny and smooth and helps in refraining from getting dry hair which prevents them from getting dry and split ends.
Vitamin A and Beta A Carotene
Repairing the skin tissue as fast as they can improve your hair growth. Intake of vitamin A and beta A solve this issue efficiently. Food like spinach, egg yolk, the carrot is rich in vitamin A and Beta A carotene.
Micro-Needling (Derma Roller)
One tool to boost the patchy beard hair growth is the Derma Roller. It is a tool used for prick the uppermost layer of your skin and making tiny holes beneath your facial skin to give an indication to your body that you have damaged the specific beard region. In short, run the roller on bald spot in beard and assume the needling is kinda of injury, your body starts healing that damage with enough supply of collagen and keratin to your hair follicles result in boosting your beard hair growth. To get the maximum effect, use derma roller along with beard oil or minoxidil.
Balance Nutrients
It is a worldwide rock line that health is wealth. It applies in case of beard too, If you keep track on your nutrient and keep them balance it will boost the hair growth of beard. Always prefer to use High quality of multivitamin for nutrient balance.
Close shave

Once you spotted the patch in the beard region it is preferable to shave off the current hair. Shave the bald spot in beard perfectly close with straight razor or safety razor. Shearing off the hair from the beard region where the patch is spotted also treat the case of infection if any. Shaving the hair give an opportunity to new hair that will grow in a healthy way and at the same rate as existing hair grows.
Remove Dead Cells
As the beard grows the chances of itchiness and infection are high if you fail to take proper care of the beard during the process. One major factor for infection is dead cells.
It is a very complicated process to perform the facial cleanse process to remove the dead cell when you have a full beard growing, you have to remove the dead cell in order to refrain from the infection. Using the Orange pulp to massage the patchy area of the beard twice a week can assist in removing dead skin cells. Removing dead skin cells supply nourishment to the new hair growth in a healthy way.

Dampness helps in achieving thicker bread growth. low testosterone in men results in slow facial hair growth. Be it at home or Gym, Short but intense workout can amazingly increase your testosterone, metabolism, and blood circulation into your face(specially to bald spot in beard), scalp and other body parts which gives a huge boost to facial hair growth of beard. Sweat carries the waste and toxins through your skin pores to help to unclog your hair follicles to make room for new hairs. Avoid food with very low calories which will mess up with your testosterone.
While fixing patchy beard make sure you shave the right direction of hairs. If things keep tracked according to the above article, you can achieve a full beard without any patch. With proper grooming of your beard can give your excellent result. Use quality beard comb to keep the hairs tangle free. Wash beard every alternate day so you don’t wipe off the hair oil and make them dry which can result in brittle and split ends. Food like carrot, spinach, Egg yolk, consist of Vitamin A, carotene accelerates your beard growth which assists in repairing the skin tissue.
Thanks for such a wonderful article man!! Right now I m suffering from this issue which causing my beard to be patchy. You have great skill on putting the detailed article which gave me no other place to search for the answers!!
I came across here while searching for Causes Of Patchy Beard And How To Fix Patchy Beard and i want to let you know that the way you provided the above article is just awesome. Its very interesting to read your articles which are not tooo boring 😛 keep it up 🙂
I have patchy beard and m trying to fill up them can you tell me what to do? I being using micro needling method method for last few days but some say it have some side effects. Is that right?
I came across your website and wanted to let you know that the article you wrote is pretty good. Thank you.
Derma roller is completely safe if you are using needle size of 0.30mm or 0.50mm.
You can check my article here, I have covered almost all the questions with regard to micro needling.
Nice article brother, my patchy beard is really making me look worst, i try everything but still its same, but i will try your method also, hope to solvc it soon.