Beard Care Routine: How To Soften The Coarse Beard To Keep It Soft
Attention!! Make that woman standing in front of you fall for you just by looking at your beard appearance, make her watch your beard covertly to increase in inner intense level. Gentleman, you are in the verge of growing your beard and now its beginning to appear sketchy and scratchy growing in a different direction making you look like a man who went to chase something in his grooming life and had no clue that he has a beard to care of.
There are numerous way to make your beard softer. Coarse looking beard will ruin your appearance, instead, embrace your beard and flaunt as your pride by giving some quality time in maintaining its shine and smooth. A straggly beard is NO to women. There are numerous articles on the internet on how to soften your beard. Here I provide you a full detailed article on making your hard earned beard shiny and softer. So Let’s get started!!
Beard Comb: Wooden Pocket Comb for Beards & Mustaches by Viking Revolution View On Amazon
Beard Brush: Pure Boar Bristles Brush Works With All Beard Balms and Beard Oils View On Amazon
Beard Oil: JACK BLACK –View On Amazon
Beard Balm: Leave-in Conditioner View On Amazon
What Are The Causes That Make Your Soft Beard Coarse?

Let’s first understand the reasons behind the coarse beard. Having a coarse beard is a serious threat to your hair roots eventually. If the supply of sebum oil from your skin is NOT enough to your roots, your beard hairs tend to become fragile and dry. Below are the few things that can make your beard coarse.
NOT Having Fixed Beard Care Routine
Accept the fact, beard needs good care and routine in order to keep it healthy. From washing to brushing your beard perfectly and in proper order is important. Not having a good routine can make your beard coarse. There are numerous products that assures you to make your beard soft, but having and choosing the best product should be most vital. Pick the branded product which suits your beard perfectly. Every bearded man should begin his day by applying beard oil. Beard oil is one essential thing that every beard need it. It is a lifeline to its hair roots. After applying beard oil combing or brushing your beard is very important to distribute oil equally.
Not Brushing Regularly
Eradicating the grime or dirt that left in your beard after dinner, or going through whole day activity will keep your beard fresh and tangle free. Brushing beard daily as often as you gives the beard hair a specific way to grow. Always make sure you brush your beard after dinner or whatever you eat, the unnoticed food stick to your beard increase chances of having a stinky beard.
Washing Beard Often
To keep things in balance you should never wash your beard often, it will result in dry beard hairs. Washing often can purge off the natural oil from the beard. Wash your beard using mild soap or soap that is specially design for beard hair. bathing soap is stronger in cleanser that strip your natural oil.
Not Having Essential Vitamins
There is a saying “ you look what you eat” This applies to your beard too, Eating vitamins is one vital thing most of the people ignore. Omega-3 fatty acid, vitamin b, Vitamin D , Biotic are the few names of the vitamins every man should focus to include them in their dinner plate to make their beard soft and shiny. There are more food tht helps in promoting your beard growth which i will line up in my soon in future.
Well, How To Make My Beard Softer ? What Are The Products That Will Soften My Rough Beard?

The Food You Should Eat To Make Your Beard Softer
You being rough on your diet for years and when you begin with your manliness you completely messed up with your beard. The right intake of right food plays important role in making your beard softer. Having food that stimulates beard growth should be part of your daily diet.
Omega 3 fatty acid comforts to reduce the inflammation which can be instigated by any cheap beard oil, beard balm result you in dry hairs. Omega 3 fatty acid moisturize the facial skin beneath the beard and increase the blood circulation. It also helps in fighting beardruff.
Hydrating skin is more vital for a healthy and shiny beard. Hydrate your body with the daily intake of a minimum of 7-8 glasses of water. Intake of good enough water flushes off the toxins from your body which indirectly keeps your bread hydrated that promoted the production of natural oil your body produces which in result in to avoid your beard from getting coarse and dry.
Daily intake of 30 to 100 microgram of biotin will promote your beard growth. Biotin vitamins from eggs, salmon, and nuts helps in cell redeveloping.
Intake of vitamin A on regular basis can give your beard with touch of shine and soften the beard. Food consist of vitamin A are carrots, pumpkin seeds are the perfect example to pull all the vitamin A.
Shampoo & Conditioner
As you all might know, shampooing too much can purge off your natural oil from your beard which can ruin your beard permanently. Shampooing your beard clear the dirt from your beard, but not any shampoo, use the shampoo which are specific t beard only. Conditioner keeps your beard as well as skin healthy. .
The best advice I can give you is, wash your beard every alternate day or every two days, this will maintain the level of beard oil to refrain from getting dry flakes. The Conditioner has ingredients like jojoba oil, argan oil which is a good form of nourishment. It helps in retaining the water to your beard to keep it hydrated also helps in holding the oil which saves it from getting dry and split ends.
Using conditioner on a regular base (Every alternate day) Will give you immense result in your beard softness. Always use beard shampoo, not the regular head shampoo.
Beard Oil

You probably heard about the benefits of using beard oil and this is the purpose I have stated this point here. Still, don’t know what beard oil is? Read here (Put the link of how to apply beard oil)
Beard oil keeps facial skin moisturize that soften rough beard. To make your beard appear full and thick, use beard oil regularly. Using of beard oil on daily basis to creates a healthy environment for beard to have less split ends or breakage in order to run its growing speed at constant speed.
Beard oil is by far the main weapon to make your beard soft and shiny. Beard oil supply your facial skin all the nourishment required by your facial skin. Regular use of beard oil crub down your beardruff very effectively. you can use castor oil also to grow your beard if you have problem with your beard growth.
Beard oil is kind of leave in conditioner for your facial hair. It retains the water level for your beard and keep it hydrated as well as moisturized. Dry skin usually results in a lot of break out, if you are one of those, applying bread oil is a good option for you.
Within a few days after applying beard oil, you will notice its massive influence on your beard. Your beard will start looking more softer and shiny, also the hairs will grow in a more specific direction naturally.
Beard Balm

Alternative of beard oil is beard balm which works same as beard oil with all the nourishment.
Beard balm mainly contains the following ingredients:-
- Carrier oil
Oils like jojoba, argan, sweet almond are the base ingredients to give moisturization to your beard. Without carrier oil, you make your beard look unpleasantly. It keeps the itch at bay which is good to give you comfort throughout the day. Smooth beard hairs are less vulnerable to split ends. - Essential Oil
Essential oil offers you a real manly scent which is not too stout. Essential oil improves blood circulation, the escalations of blood flow to your skin eventually resulting in a boost to your beard growth. - Beeswax
Adding a touch up of styling gives your beard a hold. The impact of beeswax on beard is robust with light volume which can check your wiry beard throughout the day. - Butter
Balm works as a moisturizer with the support of the agents like shea, kokum, Cocoa butter. Butter is a trailer of carrier oil if you have dry beard flakes. Butter contributes extra moisturization to your beard to keep them healthy and shiny.
Beard Comb and Brush

Your beard hairs have no direction to grow, they just grow in any direction like octopus hands( Maybe they are legs!!). Giving the good direction for beard hairs make them look upright and straight. Brushing or combing on regular basis you give direction to your beard hair.
If you see, beard comb and beard brush are not the same, you can figure it out just by observing at their bristles. I m not against to use beard comb, but I prefer you to go with boar brush which looks similar to your boot polishing brush, but if you are just a beginner, I advise you to use beard comb.
Dry beard appeared to be unhealthy, to make your beard look clean and straight, delivering beard oil equally throughout the beard is essential. Brushing also helps in eliminating grime and impurities from beard.
Brushing/combing your beard assist in keeping your beard tangle free. It also eradicates the leftover dirt after dinner. Benefits of brushing with boar bristle beard brush is to have a little massage to your face skin underneath your beard which increases the blood flow which is one of the vital parts to give a push to nurture your beard fast.
Beard Comb: Wooden Pocket Comb for Beards & Mustaches by Viking Revolution View On Amazon
Beard Brush: Pure Boar Bristles Brush Works With All Beard Balms and Beard Oils View On Amazon
Beard Oil: JACK BLACK –View On Amazon
Beard Balm: Leave-in Conditioner View On Amazon
How Do I Soften My Rough Beard With Perfect Morning Routine?
Coarse beard have higher chances to give dry and split ends. There are few steps you can take to prevent your beard from slowing down its breakage issue, beard splits, beard dandruff and ingrown hair issue. Having a perfect daily routine can eliminate all this problems.
By now you know what products help you best to make your rough beard soften and shiny. Now you want to set one perfect morning routine to give it the best.
Nothing can refresh in the morning except having a great shower. If you belong to a hot weather country, showering with cold water is fine, but if you living in hot weather country, having a shower with cold water works great.
The only difference is showering with hot water is it open the pores of your facial skin will give deep penetration access to beard oil to absorb it efficiently after the shower.
Appy beard shampoo and rub it softly on your beard. Don’t be strict while rubbing, it will make the hair root brittle eventually. After shampooing, rinse it well. As an option, You can comb your beard in the shower just to clear off the residue of shampoo. For best result, apply shampoo every two days. Applying shampoo steals your natural sebum oil, preserve the oil produce by your facial skin for nurturing your beard hairs.
Note:- If you have beard shorter tan 5 Inch, applying beard wash is a good choice.
Applying Beard oil
After showering, beards hairs are slackened which are easy to shape it up as you want. After shower makes sure you dry your body, face, beard properly. Remember one thing, water and oil are enemies, they do not mix. Same goes with beard oil and water. If the beard is wet, beard oil will not be absorbed properly to give you the desired result. Pour your beard oil on your palm, even 2-3 drops are enough to cover your whole beard. If your beard age is 8-9 months you can add few more drops.
Rub the oil gently in your jaw and chin area. While rubbing oil change your hand movements in circular motion. While rubbing don’t put a lot of pressure on your beard with an illusion of to make reach the beard oil to the roots, that will damage the hairs.
Applying Beard Balm
If you are an enthusiastic user of beard oil, you may skip smearing beard balm. The ingredients hold by beard oil and balm are almost the same. They give the same result. If you are a beginner, applying beard balm in a small quantity is preferable.If the beard hairs have enough natural oil in it it is more softer. The job of beard balm is to grip the beard oil and nourish the beard with an extra layer of nutrients when it tends to dry.
But Wait, I already applied beard oil should I use beard oil and beard balm together or separate? Will it cause any side effect?
You can use beard balm and bear oil together. Though, applying beard oil first and beard balm later will do you no harm. To make it look like thicker, bard balm works great.
- Take about just a thumbnail amount of beard balm and place it in middle of your palm.
- After having balm in palm don’t start rubbing it immediately, instead wait for 3 seconds and rub your palms with each other until you see a nice and shiny layer of oil. There should no visible clusters of beard balm.
- Now, Take your hands straight to your beard and start from the roots of your beard to straight to the tip in order to make sure you give nourishment to your roots and tips are concealed with balm,
Within a few days of this routine on applying beard balm, you will see noticeable effect in your beard hairs. To achieve great result your beard oil regularly and daily to soften beard.
You are done with applying beard oil and beard balm, now its time to distribute them equally on your whole beard, for that use boar bristle brush (My recommendation) Or Beard comb to do that job. The stiffness of boar brush helps in exfoliates to each follicle in order to clean your beard and skin. Using beard comb is easier for a beginner, boar bristle brush is good in one side, it supplies the oil equally along with that it gives good facial massage to improve blood circulation. Tripping of brush or comb remove the jumbles and dust resulting access to oxygen to breath your beard to keep them healthy and stronger. On the other hand, brushing your beard prevents your hairs from getting frizz and split-ends.
Expert Tips On How To Soften Your Rough Beard Naturally
- Hydrate your body. Hydrated beard has a smaller amount of chance to get dry which gives you split ends and make your beard hairs fragile.
- Living in a cold country or weather, beard gets to dry fast. Never go out without applying beard oil.
- Did you know your beard hair length is a bit longer than it appears when it is wet? Never trim your beard when its wet, you may cut shorter than you expected.
- Use the beard oil always which has argan and jojoba oil in its ingredient. These oils are most influential in keeping your beard healthy. A healthy beard is a soft beard.
- To make your beard smell amazing, start using coconut oil. Coconut oil has no side effect and can be used regularly. It’s one of the ancient technique people using for centuries.
- Use of olive oil, almond oil, hemp seed oil are the few alternatives you can apply for your beard which can give you an amazing outcome.
- Never snub the importance of beard brush. Brush your beard once a day. For more result, use a boar bristle brush.
Beard Comb: Wooden Pocket Comb for Beards & Mustaches by Viking Revolution View On Amazon
Beard Brush: Pure Boar Bristles Brush Works With All Beard Balms and Beard Oils View On Amazon
Beard Oil: JACK BLACK –View On Amazon
Beard Balm: Leave-in Conditioner View On Amazon
Final Thought
Stay strong on your morning routine to make your rough beard softer. Never Settle with cheap beard oil, beard balm, or plastic beard brush. Plastic brush causes beard to have tight in curls and increase gashing and pulling making your hair roots weak. Stay committed to grow your beard. Having good food in plate which consists of vitamins b5,b3 and b9 gives you immense result in making your beard soft and strong.
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