Military Boot Polish: How To Shine Shoe Like A Soldier
Watching those soldiers fleet in cavalcade with those shiny shoes click a thought in your mind, how do soldiers shine their shoes so perfectly? Having those shiny shoes a definitely a catch when you walk. Weather it is wedding or just an office party or college event, having a pair of shiny shoes makes you stand superlative among the throng. Buffing your shoes is a matter of skill that every man should old in his hands. A complete gentleman’s attire create an identity of himself around the people he is surrounded. Not only does shining your shoes look good, it is a necessary part of proper caring and maintaining a nice pair of your leather shoes or boots. The polish itself helps moisturize and waterproof the leather, lengthening lifespan of your shoe too.
There is plenty of ways to shine your shoes. People polish shoes with there own preference, from the potentially risky way of lighting up the top coat of polish to using your own spit to shine them up. Here I m going to tell you perfect way to shine your shoes exactly like a soldier.
Having an upright shoe polish kit is a real gentleman thing. Having things in an organized way makes you more manageable. If you hold black shoes in your shoebox, always go for black shoe polish the one they use in a military base. If you have other color shoes then look for the polish that matches to your shoe color.

Things you need to have in your buff kit:-
- Wax polish tin.
- Horsehair brush.
- Polish Applicator.
- cotton pads or balls.
- Cloth to shine.
Below is shoe shine process on best way to polish shoes step by step:-
Walk 1
Take an old newspaper or towel to place your shoes and polishing materials over them. Especially shoe polish is very strange and no matter how much you are careful it will get smeared everywhere. And the stain of polish is very firm to get rid off from your carpet.
Walk 2
Secondly, you have to clean off the dust and dirt from your shoes using horsehair brush or damp duster. Before applying the actual polish you must let your shoes get dry if you have wet them.
Walk 3
With the help of polish applicator, smear the substantial amount of polish on entire shoe. Always make sure you hold the shoe polish matching your shoe color as closely as possible. Try to polish all the layer of shoe polish uniformly and allow it to dry it for good 15 minutes.
Walk 4
Next, using horsehair brush, brush the shoe vigorously. While brushing the shoe make sure to left some small flick on the external of the shoe.
Walk 5
Once you finish with the above step, now its time for toe and heel shine. Take a damp cotton pad or ball. Now dip that damp cotton in to polish and apply it to the toe and heel of the shoe in a circular motion with very light pressure on it.
Walk 6
Before applying a new coat, make sure you use a new cotton pad or pad every time in order to purge off the excess polish. The first few coating will take time to get you the shine as you want, but once you get familiar with it, you will get its shine pretty early.