Benefits of Shaving with Straight Razor – Gentlemen’s Choice
Benefits of shaving with straight razor are minimal with great impact. With its incredible history, straight razor is one of the prominent razors out in the market to get the real close shave in all seasons. Shaving with a straight razor requires a lot of patience and concentration followed by practice to get into perfection. it’s an art of shaving. Once you become expertise in this art, You will crave for shave every morning to conquer the world!

If you are planning to switch razor then, Shaving with straight razor is definitely the best decision you’ve made. If you still baffling on why to choose straight razor, then let’s have a look on some of the benefits of shaving with a straight razor.
Benefits of Shaving with a Straight Razor
Close Shave
Have a doubt on if straight razor or cartridge razor give you close shave? I would advise getting a shave in a saloon where they still shave with the straight razor and later compare your result of shave to the straight razor shave you will find your answer. This is because when you shave with a straight razor you have to move your hand to have those steep curve with the perfect pressure.
No Ingrown Hairs
When you shave with multi-blade razor it tugs your beard hairs and pulls it up that lead in uprooting your hair follicles which later cause ingrown hairs. Shaving with straight razor does not cause you issue of ingrown hairs due to its close contact with your skin to shear those hairs without deep penetration into your skin.
No Irritations, Rashes, Burns
Sharpening Straight Razor occasionally to preserve its sharpness. Due to this, the possibility of getting razor burns, nicks, and cuts are less with a straight razor.
Length Matters
The length of the straight razor blade covers a wide area of the face that shears the hair as much as possible in one full pass itself which makes it easy to wash in one go.
You Add New Skill
Shaving with a straight razor is not a child’s play, obviously, it’s NOT! Shaving with a straight razor requires lot of concentration, followed by perfect pressure in a perfect direction. It requires your dedicated time to achieve smooth and close shave. Not many people hold skill to shave with a straight razor.
Pilot with Full Control
Shaving with a straight razor offers you full control over the movement which is essential to achieve close and smooth shave. Due to its tail size blade and handle, you get controlled on every movement, and you get smooth and razor bumps free shave. There are few vertical angles that you have to practice with the straight razor. Though, it requires practice to measure the perfect pressure to avoid nicks and cut. But once you accustom it, there is no stone left unturned to achieve smooth and healthy shave.
Back From The Past to Present
If you are the one who loves the historic pattern of shaving, then straight razor is one of the best tools to recall the traditional way of shaving. If maintained properly, the life span of the straight razor is almost long life. Even you can pass on this razor from one generation to another due to its minimalist requirement of changing the blades.
Environmental Friendly
As per the EPA report, USA accumulates about 2 billion razors waste every year. Shaving with a straight razor gives an option to save the environment unlike plastic cartridge straight razor does not require any altering of blades, just strop, straight razor won’t choose the trash box as his home until you keep him in a trash.
Its Satisfying
It feels so satisfying when you complete a task with so much focus and determination. When you shave with a straight razor, you cannot just hold the razor and start shaving as you do with your cartridge razor, shaving with cartridge razor does not need mind or focus, unlike in straight razor shaving, shaving needs close focus and concentration to avoid nick or cut. So after focusing lot and completing the shave you feel something great on your shave.
Save your Money in Long-term
Who like to empty their pocket on shaving tool now and then! shaving with a straight razor saves your money for long-term. Upfront investment for a investment for a straight razor is initially high. But the investment is definitely worth for the long-term.
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