Does Showering After Meal Is Healthy? – Things NOT to do to keep you healthy.

Your digestive system needs lot of energy and amble amount of blood supply in digesting your food, every time you have your meal, your body temperature increases as blood moves to your digestive system, this flow of blood assists your digestive system in digesting your food by not having any discomfort.
The digestive system comes in tension even more if you have warm water shower immediately after meal/dinner which divert the way of blood flow away from stomach which can be a reason for your cramps.
Does this mean one should NOT have hot/warm water shower after meal?
If having hot water shower after meal give tensions to your digestive system then it’s better to have BEFORE meal rather than AFTER meal. But if the environment around you push to take shower after meal, then I suggest to take with COLD water or room temperature water shower.
Cold water shower does not divert the blood flow from digestive system, because it narrows down the veins path from reaching to digestive system, in fact it will start your metabolism running instantly which help in burning more fat.
The best option is to wait for 20-30 minutes after meal and have shower; by doing so, your body adjust to room temperature.
Things To Avoid Straight After Eating

Smoking: – Cigarettes contain about 6000+ addictive chemicals in it. After your meal your body fully focus in digesting the food you consume by diverting the blood flow to your digestive system, smoking right after meal increase the chances of absorbing those cigarette chemicals get higher and vitamins lower. Smoking disturbs the digestive system by clogging the blood flow to the digestive system which result in decline in nutrition absorption. It also lowers the creation of saliva which play a vital role in breaking down the food for digestion.
Smoking create hindrance in pulling off those essential vitamins and minerals from food, specifically vitamin C, A and B12 which are vital for immunity, eyes and skin.Smoking right after meal lower the sense of taste and smell, followed by lowering down the oxygen level and heart capacity on pushing the blood which cause heart attacks and strokes.

Sleeping: – IF you sleep immediately after meal, you are not giving sufficient time to your body in absorbing your food which may affect in acid refluxes or heartburns,
Better to wait at least 2-3 hours before going to bed.
After entire day of stress and body work you will find a natural droplet in energy level after having your meal. If you don’t want to feel sluggish after having meal, I recommend eating meals full of protein and carbohydrates and LESS sugar.

Physical activity: – Doing physical activity right after your mean can give you stomach cramps, acid reflux. After having your meal your body focus on digesting the food by giving oxygenated blood to your system and if you do physical activity right after the meal your body divert the blood flow from digestive system to your muscles to give you energy, all this process can result you in stomach aches, vomiting or acid reflux.

Avoid Fruits: – Having y our favourite fruit after meals sounds good, right? The answer is NO. As the quote says “ An apple a day keeps a doctor away “ but that apple should be take at right time and not at anytime of the day, especially not before going to bed.
Fruits are best sources of minerals and vitamins in order to keep that obesity, sugar levels, acidity away.
People with diabetes should avoid eating fruit right after having their main meal, there is a reason for that what I am saying, fruits are filled with glucose, sucrose, fructose which are all sugar contented. This sugar failed to absorb in digestive system once you FULL with your main meal resulting in producing acidity, bloating.
Fruits are filled with Hemicellulose, cellulose-debasing enzyme, Pectine fiber which hold strong water absorbing properties and play vital role in absorbing water from the body, once it done with absorbing water it starts to expand and give you feeling of stomach fullness resulting in un-comfortability, nausea, or vomiting.